Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Getting the party started - or not!

Today was our 18th wedding anniversary so we decided we would like to buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Simple undertaking, no? Uh, no. As we are currently in Kaysville, Utah (not known for their alcohol consumption) it took quite a bit of sleuthing on our part. I thought we had hit pay dirt at Walgreens as one aisle sign said "wine". Well people this was an error as it was generic signage from Walgreens' corporate headquarters. We also stopped at a gourmet food store but also no luck. Here the young man that I asked kept backing away from me as if I had a real problem. So after stopping and asking what seemed like at least a million people and getting nowhere, I spotted an American Legion Hall. Here I / we hit pay dirt. Following the really friendly directions we received there, Joe and I finally located the Utah State Liquor Store and purchased our champagne. Mission accomplished! Thankfully we were able to toast our anniversary and had a nice evening.

1 comment:

  1. Belated happy anniversay, may there be many more in spite of the off-road adventures...!

    PS Sorry for writing anonymously, it seems to be the only way I can post comments on your blog... ursula
