Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Funny things observed along the way

I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt that said "Me. Just like you, only better". I have to admit I found this funny and have to give her credit for having the guts to wear it.

In Castle Rock,Washington I went into a gas station mini-mart where I was waited on by an extremely uninterested woman. There on the counter was a tip jar with a sign that said "Tip me a dollar and I'll pretend to care about what you have to say". What?!?! Where do you get the guts to put that out at your workplace? There was also money in the jar........ I probably should have paid the dollar.

Lastly, we went into a restaurant in Pacific Beach, Washington. There they had a sign that said "Parents, watch your own kids. We don't want them running around". I bet there is a more diplomatic way to get the intended message across.

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