Sunday, August 14, 2011

Heard It on the Radio

One of the benefits of being in our RV is being able to listen to satellite radio. I had heard of Sirius while living in Switzerland but was completely unfamiliar with the content. Well as someone who loves to keep up with the news and politics this was a Godsend. However it is truly amazing how the various news channels treat the same topic. Take the entire debt ceiling saga and the downgrading of the US by Standard & Poors. Listening to Chris Matthews on MSNBC - one of my absolute favorite political journalists so I hate to criticize him - or any of the people on FOX News, one gets worked into a frenzy. They are literally screaming and you have the feeling the sky is truly falling. Then you turn on Bloomberg Radio which is the "spa music" version of a news program. Everyone is calm, everyone allows the other discussion partner to finish their sentence instead of constantly interrupting - honestly the other stations could take a page from these people.

Then one gets into the various themed music stations - country, music of the 60's 70's 80's etc. I love to be able to guess who the artist is and the name of the song before it is displayed, kind of like a game. The only problem is my traveling partner, Joe. He seems to have retained zero recollection of any music he has ever heard. When pressed to guess he either says Elton John to most anything or guesses the last artist I had correct. As someone who feels confident they could win "Name That Tune"' this isn't much competition. My recently deceased father also had the ability to recognize an amazingly large number of songs so this is probably where I get the "talent" from. Watching this show with my father always reminded me of an "Honeymooners" episode where Ralph Kramden was going to be in this type of competition and was practicing with Ed Norton. The only problem was that Ed introduced each new selection with a few bars of "Swanee River" and Ralph choked up on that exact song.

Lastly there are tons of entertainment news programs. Although most of what they talk about is of no interest to me, there were recently two similar stories which caught my attention. It appears that the 80 plus George Soros is being sued by his approximately 28 year old girlfriend because he didn't buy her the multimillion dollar apartment he had promised her (he denies promising this & I guess my question would be why someone's boyfriend, regardless of how wealthy, would have to buy his girlfriend an apartment. What happened to personal independence & responsibility?) Then there was the story of the also 80 plus Hugh Hefner who was dumped by his twenty something fiance shortly before their marriage. She claimed that they had no sex life and that his body was disgusting. Really, he didn't look like a "Playgirl" magazine model!?!?!? Boy, I'm shocked & she must have been too as she then accepted a marriage proposal in addition to an extremely expensive engagement ring.She's certainly not just a gold digger....... I think men have to acknowledge that most twenty something women are not looking for boyfriends over 80 due to the their sparkling personalities and fabulous bodies - I think the size of their wallets and the level of their celebrity are their most interesting traits. Let's be honest, if this was really a trend we would be seeing a lot more of these "May - December" (actually more like January - December) romances in the general population but that's hardly the case. It might be time for men to acknowledge that the woman they are involved with have another agenda than romance and that they themselves like being viewed as virile guys who can get any woman they want. For the women involved with these much older men, it might be time to take a good long look into the honesty mirror. If your 80 plus year old boyfriend didn't have the possibilty to offer you a jet set lifestyle, a spread in a men's magazine and some modicum of personal celebrity, or a multimillion dollar apartment, would you still be interested? If you would like to assert that it is really the person you love and are interested in, fine. I would then consider this a business opportunity and set up a matchmaking site for twenty something's seeking 80 something's. The assisted-living facilitie are full of unattached men looking for a new relationship and I would just be the conduit to bring the potential lovebirds together. Somehow, though, I think an older guy on a fixed income is not what these ladies are looking for.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right about these couples, and in all due fairness it is the same for older women and younger men. A gay friend of mine has an acquaintance in such a relationship, she is in her mid-fifties and he in his early thirties, and when I asked him why this lady wasn't looking for someone her age, he said that she didn't like the bodies of the men her own age. My friend then very astutely remarked that with her, however, everything wasn't anymore either where it once used to be... ;-) So keep on dreaming world!
