Friday, July 8, 2011

Sammelsurium or simply "Stuff" volume 8

We continue to be an attraction everywhere we go in the Earth Roamer. The other day we were parked in the Safeway grocery store parking lot in Homer, Alaska when a woman came over to comment on our RV. She then asked if we were traveling in the Earth Roamer because we are famous & if we could tell her what we are famous for. I told her we aren't famous & this just happens to be the RV we purchased - she was disappointed with this response. Later it struck me that I should have said we are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - it's amazing what they can do with make-up and lighting.

At our Homer RV park some fellow guests were telling us about a great local winery in the town where they had gone to taste wine. They were really raving about the place so Joe suggested we try it out yesterday. Big mistake. Every wine was blended with natural fruit juice so it was all super sweet, really undrinkable - and this for $25 - $28 per bottle. The other tasters were just raving about the stuff but to me it made Boone's Farm seem like Dom Perignon. We made a hasty exit which didn't please the owners. Later that night at dinner we were laughing about this but then we were stopped cold. Here at the bar at our resort they proudly serve these wines in addition to smoked salmon flavored vodka. I don't even want to know what that tastes like.

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