Monday, May 16, 2011

I have reached Dishevelment

I am someone who cares about her appearance and am almost compulsive in my desire to have everything ironed. Let's just say this is almost never possible in RV life. Storage space is at a minimum so fashion takes a backseat to practicality to start with. Add to this the fact that I don't have an iron with me due to space requirements. None of this was a problem when we were in Africa on safari and had the same limited choices as all other travelers. However here I come into constant contact with normal everyday people - I constantly feel like I stick out and this makes me very uncomfortable. I normally love shopping in the US but now feel that I constantly have to explain myself and excuse my appearance. Stressful.

1 comment:

  1. I can only say that judging by Joe's photographs you are still far from being dishevelled...! It actually reminds me of when I was living in the South African bush and a young man said to me that I was the only lady he'd ever met in the bush ;-)Style is an attitude and not necessarily connected to the latest fashion, so you will always look good Sue, Earth Roamer or not! xx ursula
